Influence on design of anthropometrics and ergonomics

Sources and applications of anthropometric data:

  • Statistical data available from BSI is associated with heights of men, women and children
  • The height of which 5% are shorter is known as 5th percentile
  • The height of which 5% are taller is known as 95th percentile
  • Designers use these values to try and fit a product from the 5th to 95th percentile
  • Anthropometric data will vary for different ages and parts of the world
  • Can be gathered by designers for certain genders/groups

Diagram of shape dimensions

Uses for anthropometric data: TV remote, PS4 controller

Ergonomic factors for a designer to consider when developing products and environments with which humans react:

  • Ergonomics is the study of how people interact with products and their working environment
  • Matching the product to user
  • Improves peoples lives by increasing their comfort and satisfaction
  • Data about the size and shape of the human body is required (anthropometrics)

A quantitative (measurable) approach predicts the physical fit of the product to the human body shape, encompassing workload, speed of performance and errors

A qualitative (opinion based) approach predicts user comfort and their satisfaction with the product, so it has the optimum interaction with the user

Uses: Ergonomic handles, chairs, computer desk heights

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